Beta circuit boards ready for assembly
The latest circuit boards arrived amidst the snowbanks of Somerville, MA, USA, from the Baoan district of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, via UPS last week. Two Rascals are being assembled over the next week. If they work, I'll build a batch of 10.
On the last revision, the only known problems were that the serial flash couldn't be reprogrammed without some tricky soldering and the microSD card was missing pull-up resistors. All 16 I/O pins work, and the board boots Linux with an embedded webserver. There's still plenty of software that the Rascal will need as it matures, and not all of the fancy peripherals on the processor have been tested yet, but the hardware has entered adolescence.
I'll send out details about how to get a beta unit shortly. If you're interested, you can join the mailing list on the front page.