Rascal 1.1 circuit board released for fabrication

I just sent the Rascal 1.1 PCB off to International Circuits for fabrication. I'm calling it version 1.1 because the last version, which was officially 0.6, AKA "the beta," turned out to be 1.0-level in quality.

Here's a screenshot of the final layout. (Click for a substantially larger version.)

Thanks to Jinbuhm Kim of Wiznet for the last-minute suggestion to add pin labels on the underside of the PCB (so you can see them after an Arduino shield is plugged in on top).

A full list of the hardware changes appears in the previous blog post. The software will be updated as well-- a new Linux kernel, a new driver to call Python from hardware interrupts, an improved web editor, and some awesome new HTML5 demos from the volunteer sharpshooting development team in England.

If you think the Rascal might be right for your next ridiculous internet machine, sign up for the announcement list to get alerted when they're ready.